Teachers know that kids can lose more than 2.5 months of math and other learning over the summer months. The first few weeks of school revisit the last grade’s materials so that everyone is up to speed. Could it be that adult learning takes the same “summer slide”?

There are probably no studies on this phenomenon but the ingredients are all in place. Think about it. When we dream of summer vacations, our fantasies usually involve beaches, cool mountain lakes, water parks, or a campsite “away from it all”. Our bodies definitely deserve a break, but so do our brains. A brain’s ideal vacation might not always be limited to imagining animals among the passing clouds. It’s just possible that your brain would like a trip to the local library or a museum. A relaxing stroll through a sculpture garden can re-energize the mind, body, and spirit.

This summer, give all parts of your mind and body a real vacation and start the fall with a new perspective and no brain drain.